Croeso i Blwydden 2 & 3
In these year groups your teachers are Mrs Ellis, Mrs Hibbert and Miss Humpage.
Below you will find an overview of our Spring Term.

Home learning
Reading - Your children should read their home reading books regularly and bring them back to school to be changed.
Homework is also set via the seesaw app.
You will have received log in details to access this resource - please contact the school office should you have any problems accessing the program or if you require another copy of the code.
SeeSaw app: The foundation phase classes (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2) use the app ‘SeeSaw’ to provide home learning opportunities for pupils. Your child will have brought home a QR code to allow you to access their account.
You will need to install the SeeSaw Class app on an iOS or Android device. Or go to on any computer in Chrome or Firefox browser.
- Choose I’m a Student.
- Scan your code using Seesaw’s QR code reader or type in the text code.
Pupils receive a weekly homework assignment linked to learning that has taken place in school that week.
Important information
The LSA's for Year 2 &3 are
Miss Campbell Mr Williams Mrs Morgan
Miss Gorrigan Miss Packer
PE is on Wednesday for Mrs Hibbert's class, Thursday for Miss Humpage's class and Friday for Mrs Ellis' class.
Reading folders: Pupil reading folders should be brought to school every Tuesday so that they can be changed. Please remember to read each week with your child to help support their language development and general literacy skills. Reading weekly with your child is one of the home learning activities encouraged by the school. Books will be returned on Thursdays.
Snack: A healthy snack will be provided by the school for your child.
Drinks: We encourage parents to provide their child with additional water which they can drink throughout the day if they require it. We ask that only still unflavoured water is provided.
© Copyright Colcot Primary School