Croeso i Blwyddyn 4 &5

In this year group you will meet Miss Thomas, Mrs Hibbert, Miss Hopkins and Mrs Williams. Miss Thomas is the teacher in class 9, Mrs Hibbert is the teacher in class 7 and Miss Hopkins is the teacher in class 8. Mrs Williams is the learning support assistant in this area.

We are an ambitious year group and we are excited to start our learning journey this year. Below you will find an overview of our Autumn, Spring and Summerterms. 

Important information
Important information

PE day is Friday. Children can wear PE clothes to school on these days - black joggers/leggings/shorts, white or black t-shirt or polo shirt, sweatshirt and trainers.  

Reading books: Pupil reading folders should be brought to school on a daily basis.  Please remember to read each week with your child to help support their language development and general literacy skills. Reading weekly with your child is one of the home learning activities encouraged by the school. 

Snack: Children can bring a healthy snack to school to be eaten at playtime. On Thursday and Friday the children can bring in 20p to buy fruit from our Captain's Cabin.

Drinks: We encourage parents to provide their child with additional water which they can drink throughout the day if they require it.  We ask that only still unflavoured water is provided.


Reading - Your children should read their home reading books regularly and bring them back to school to be changed. 

Spelling - Your children will bring home spelling lists to learn in preparation for our weekly spelling tests.

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